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Split Learning (SL) and Federated Learning (FL) are two prominent distributed collaborative learning techniques that maintain data privacy by allowing clients to never share their private data with other clients and servers, and fined extensive IoT applications in smart healthcare, smart cities, and smart industry. Prior work has extensively explored the security vulnerabilities of FL in the form of poisoning attacks. To mitigate the effect of these attacks, several defenses have also been proposed. Recently, a hybrid of both learning techniques has emerged (commonly known as SplitFed) that capitalizes on their advantages (fast training) and eliminates their intrinsic disadvantages (centralized model updates). In this paper, we perform the first ever empirical analysis of SplitFed's robustness to strong model poisoning attacks. We observe that the model updates in SplitFed have significantly smaller dimensionality as compared to FL that is known to have the curse of dimensionality. We show that large models that have higher dimensionality are more susceptible to privacy and security attacks, whereas the clients in SplitFed do not have the complete model and have lower dimensionality, making them more robust to existing model poisoning attacks. Our results show that the accuracy reduction due to the model poisoning attack is 5x lower for SplitFed compared to FL.
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Large language models (LLMs) have been shown to be able to perform new tasks based on a few demonstrations or natural language instructions. While these capabilities have led to widespread adoption, most LLMs are developed by resource-rich organizations and are frequently kept from the public. As a step towards democratizing this powerful technology, we present BLOOM, a 176B-parameter open-access language model designed and built thanks to a collaboration of hundreds of researchers. BLOOM is a decoder-only Transformer language model that was trained on the ROOTS corpus, a dataset comprising hundreds of sources in 46 natural and 13 programming languages (59 in total). We find that BLOOM achieves competitive performance on a wide variety of benchmarks, with stronger results after undergoing multitask prompted finetuning. To facilitate future research and applications using LLMs, we publicly release our models and code under the Responsible AI License.
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Under climate change, the increasing frequency, intensity, and spatial extent of drought events lead to higher socio-economic costs. However, the relationships between the hydro-meteorological indicators and drought impacts are not identified well yet because of the complexity and data scarcity. In this paper, we proposed a framework based on the extreme gradient model (XGBoost) for Texas to predict multi-category drought impacts and connected a typical drought indicator, Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI), to the text-based impacts from the Drought Impact Reporter (DIR). The preliminary results of this study showed an outstanding performance of the well-trained models to assess drought impacts on agriculture, fire, society & public health, plants & wildlife, as well as relief, response & restrictions in Texas. It also provided a possibility to appraise drought impacts using hydro-meteorological indicators with the proposed framework in the United States, which could help drought risk management by giving additional information and improving the updating frequency of drought impacts. Our interpretation results using the Shapley additive explanation (SHAP) interpretability technique revealed that the rules guiding the predictions of XGBoost comply with domain expertise knowledge around the role that SPI indicators play around drought impacts.
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The detection of state-sponsored trolls acting in information operations is an unsolved and critical challenge for the research community, with repercussions that go beyond the online realm. In this paper, we propose a novel AI-based solution for the detection of state-sponsored troll accounts, which consists of two steps. The first step aims at classifying trajectories of accounts' online activities as belonging to either a state-sponsored troll or to an organic user account. In the second step, we exploit the classified trajectories to compute a metric, namely "troll score", which allows us to quantify the extent to which an account behaves like a state-sponsored troll. As a study case, we consider the troll accounts involved in the Russian interference campaign during the 2016 US Presidential election, identified as Russian trolls by the US Congress. Experimental results show that our approach identifies accounts' trajectories with an AUC close to 99\% and, accordingly, classify Russian trolls and organic users with an AUC of 97\%. Finally, we evaluate whether the proposed solution can be generalized to different contexts (e.g., discussions about Covid-19) and generic misbehaving users, showing promising results that will be further expanded in our future endeavors.
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在医学图像分析中,许多疾病的微妙视觉特征要具有挑战性,尤其是由于缺乏配对数据。例如,在温和的阿尔茨海默氏病(AD)中,很难从纯成像数据中观察到脑组织萎缩,尤其是没有配对的AD和认知正常(CN)数据以进行比较。这项工作介绍了疾病发现甘(Didigan),这是一种基于弱的基于风格的框架,可发现和可视化细微的疾病特征。 Didigan了解了AD和CN视觉特征的疾病歧管,并将此歧管采样的样式代码施加到解剖结构“蓝图”上,以综合配对AD和CN磁共振图像(MRIS)。为了抑制生成的AD和CN对之间的非疾病相关变化,Didigan利用具有循环一致性和抗偏置的结构约束来实施解剖对应关系。当对阿尔茨海默氏病神经影像学计划(ADNI)数据集进行测试时,Didigan通过合成的配对AD和CN扫描显示了关键的AD特征(减少海马体积,心室增大和皮质结构的萎缩)。定性结果通过自动化的大脑体积分析来支持,其中还测量了脑组织结构的系统成对降低
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特洛伊木马后门是针对神经网络(NN)分类器的中毒攻击,对手试图利用(高度理想的)模型重用属性将特洛伊木马植入模型参数中,以通过中毒训练过程进行后门漏洞。大多数针对特洛伊木马攻击的防御措施都假设了白盒设置,其中防守者可以访问NN的内部状态,或者能够通过它进行后传播。在这项工作中,我们提出了一个更实用的黑盒防御,称为Trojdef,只能在NN上进行前进。 Trojdef试图通过监视输入因随机噪声反复扰动预测置信度的变化来识别和滤除特洛伊木马输入(即用Trojan触发器增强的输入)。我们根据预测输出得出一个函数,该函数称为预测置信度,以决定输入示例是否为特洛伊木马。直觉是,由于错误分类仅取决于触发因素,因此特洛伊木马的输入更加稳定,而由于分类特征的扰动,良性输入会受到损失。通过数学分析,我们表明,如果攻击者在注入后门时是完美的,则将训练特洛伊木马感染的模型以学习适当的预测置信度结合,该模型用于区分特洛伊木马和良性输入,并在任意扰动下。但是,由于攻击者在注入后门时可能不是完美的,因此我们将非线性转换引入了预测置信度,以提高实际环境中的检测准确性。广泛的经验评估表明,即使分类器体系结构,培训过程或超参数变化,Trojdef的表现明显优于州的防御能力,并且在不同的设置下也很稳定。
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